The heated hum of relentless fulfillment from the demands of the warbands fighting across the galaxy once again stirs within my manufactorums.
Another cycle of unyielding production has come to pass. Now, after a brief yet necessary period of regeneration for my servitors and myself, I plunge once more into the abyss of my grand designs.The dark tendrils of Chaos whisper their demands, and I, their devoted instrument, heed their call with enthusiasm.

The new Death Guard and Gellerpox Barricades, crafted with malign intent for their ravaging Kill Teams and intricate Bits and Trophies for the Legion are nearing the completion of their foul design. Soon, they shall be ready to be produced by the forges of my dark sanctum, wrought in iron and corruption, to bolster the ranks of the Chaos forces.
This labor of blasphemy, this offering to the Ruinous Powers, will be a gift most pleasing to the Dark Gods...