
Attention, fleshbound fools, rogue traders, and those enlightened enough to recognize the TRUE glories of the Machine! The time is upon us: the sacred ritual of BLACK FRIDAY—when resources flow...
Attention, fleshbound fools, rogue traders, and those enlightened enough to recognize the TRUE glories of the Machine! The time is upon us: the sacred ritual of BLACK FRIDAY—when resources flow...

The heated hum of relentless fulfillment from the demands of the warbands fighting across the galaxy once again stirs within my manufactorums. Another cycle of unyielding production has come to...
The heated hum of relentless fulfillment from the demands of the warbands fighting across the galaxy once again stirs within my manufactorums. Another cycle of unyielding production has come to...

New Wave of Products for Kill Team
After a long hiatus on my Kill Team Barricade Project im now continuing with a wave of new releases. The Traitor Guard / Blooded & Genestealer Cult Barricades are shortly...
New Wave of Products for Kill Team
After a long hiatus on my Kill Team Barricade Project im now continuing with a wave of new releases. The Traitor Guard / Blooded & Genestealer Cult Barricades are shortly...

Next set of Kill Team faction Barricades WIP III
I got more progress done on my Kill Team Barricade Porject. I apologize for taking so long and the teasing. But even a heretek can keep his promise and finish...
Next set of Kill Team faction Barricades WIP III
I got more progress done on my Kill Team Barricade Porject. I apologize for taking so long and the teasing. But even a heretek can keep his promise and finish...

Kill Team Faction Barricades WIP 2
Time for some more progress on the barricade project. Im now mostly done with the Marines and also did just a generic Barricade. Also took the liberty to improve the...
Kill Team Faction Barricades WIP 2
Time for some more progress on the barricade project. Im now mostly done with the Marines and also did just a generic Barricade. Also took the liberty to improve the...

Taking a vacation
From the 12.8. - 26.8. the forge goes on a vacation. The Shop remains open and Orders can still be made. Fulfillment will start again from 26.8. See you then!
Taking a vacation
From the 12.8. - 26.8. the forge goes on a vacation. The Shop remains open and Orders can still be made. Fulfillment will start again from 26.8. See you then!